6 Day Weather Forecast
Arthur's Pass (730m A.S.L.)

The following 6 day forecast has been created using data obtained from Weather Underground for the Arthur's Pass area (elevation 730m A.S.L.), utilising regional and local weather station data. It is updated hourly. 1800m weather data is derived from local weather modelling software and may be unreliable.

Notes: This page is experimental and it may be unreliable beyond a few days. Compare it with the MetService - 4 Day Forecast, NIWA - 5 Day Forecast, and NZ METVUW SI CHARTS to get a more informed idea! Occasionally the forecast texts may show in imperial unit format as the metric forecast is not available from Weather Underground. - Graeme -

Click Here for a printable forecast.

Updated : Thursday 10 October 2024 - 17:30hrs

Day & Date /
Weather (730m A.S.L)
Weather Forecasts / Sunrise / Sunset
Moonrise / Moonset / Moon Phase
Est. Rainfall / Snowfall
@ 737m
Freezing Levels
Wind Dir / Strength
Thursday (Today)

Mostly Cloudy
Night: Mostly cloudy. Low -4°C. Winds NW at 10 to 15 kmph.

Sunrise: 06:51hrs  Sunset: 19:51hrs
Moonrise: 10:46hrs  Moonset: 02:30hrs  Moon Phase:  
Total Rain: 0mm
Total Snow: 0cm

(Rain Today: 0mm)
Min: -4ºC
Max: 15ºC
Min: -11ºC
Max: 8ºC
Freezing Levels
Now: 2545m
Range: 115m - 3038m

(Now: 11.8ºC↓)
 0kmph - NW 16kmph

(Now: NW 4 - 21kmph)

 0kmph - NW 60kmph
% - 93%

(Now: 59%↑)

Day: Cloudy. High 3°C. Winds NW at 10 to 15 kmph.

Night: Snow showers late. Low -2°C. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 kmph. Chance of snow 40%.

Sunrise: 06:49hrs  Sunset: 19:52hrs
Moonrise: 11:51hrs  Moonset: 03:20hrs  Moon Phase:  
Rain: AM 0mm PM 0.35mm
Total Rain: 0.35mm

Snow: AM 0cm PM 0.4cm
Total Snow: 0.4cm
Snowfall Low: 300m
Min: -2ºC
Max: 3ºC
Min: -9ºC
Max: -4ºC
Freezing Levels
Range: 422m - 1192m
NW 24kmph - NNW 16kmph

NW 81kmph - NNW 54kmph
84% - 98%

Rain / Snow Showers
Day: A mix of rain and snow showers. High 4°C. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 kmph. Chance of precip 40%.

Night: Snow showers late. Low -4°C. Winds NW at 10 to 15 kmph. Chance of snow 40%.

Sunrise: 06:48hrs  Sunset: 19:53hrs
Moonrise: 13:04hrs  Moonset: 04:03hrs  Moon Phase:  
Rain: AM 1.87mm PM 0.5mm
Total Rain: 2.37mm

Snow: AM 0.2cm PM 0.5cm
Total Snow: 0.7cm
Snowfall Low: 300m
Min: -4ºC
Max: 4ºC
Min: -11ºC
Max: -3ºC
Freezing Levels
Range: 115m - 1345m
NNW 25kmph - NW 19kmph

NNW 80kmph - NW 71kmph
86% - 96%

Day: Snow. High 1°C. Winds SE at 10 to 15 kmph. Chance of snow 70%. Snowfall of 3-7 cm.

Night: Snow showers early. Low -6°C. Winds SE and variable. Chance of snow 50%.

Sunrise: 06:46hrs  Sunset: 19:54hrs
Moonrise: 14:22hrs  Moonset: 04:37hrs  Moon Phase:  
Rain: AM 5.7mm PM 0.9mm
Total Rain: 6.6mm

Snow: AM 5.7cm PM 0.9cm
Total Snow: 6.6cm
Snowfall Low: 300m
Min: -6ºC
Max: 1ºC
Min: -13ºC
Max: -6ºC
Freezing Levels
Range: 0m - 884m
SE 16kmph - SE 15kmph

SE 35kmph - SE 39kmph
84% - 94%

Partly Cloudy
Day: Partly cloudy. High 5°C. Winds SE at 10 to 15 kmph.

Night: Partly cloudy. Low -5°C. Winds SW and variable.

Sunrise: 06:44hrs  Sunset: 19:55hrs
Moonrise: 15:41hrs  Moonset: 05:05hrs  Moon Phase:  
Rain: AM 0mm PM 0mm
Total Rain: 0mm

Snow: AM 0cm PM 0cm
Total Snow: 0cm
Min: -5ºC
Max: 5ºC
Min: -12ºC
Max: -2ºC
Freezing Levels
Range: 0m - 1499m
SE 16kmph - SW 13kmph

SE 45kmph - SW 31kmph
70% - 89%

Mostly Cloudy
Day: Mostly cloudy. High 5°C. Winds SE at 10 to 15 kmph.

Night: Mostly cloudy. Low -5°C. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 kmph.

Sunrise: 06:43hrs  Sunset: 19:57hrs
Moonrise: 17:01hrs  Moonset: 05:30hrs  Moon Phase:  
Rain: AM 0mm PM 0mm
Total Rain: 0mm

Snow: AM 0cm PM 0cm
Total Snow: 0cm
Min: -5ºC
Max: 5ºC
Min: -12ºC
Max: -2ºC
Freezing Levels
Range: 0m - 1499m
SE 24kmph - SSE 18kmph

SE 61kmph - SSE 43kmph
67% - 91%

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